Perfecto Vegas
Pictured below are the first two pieces of art done in the ‘Perfecto Style”. Up until November 2008, we’d really only run some teasers, so when I created the Guetta art and turned it in, the entire Perfecto look was locked. It was an mix of nightlife, “circ style” performers and a throwback to old electronic/rave scene art. Over the next two years, it went through some small changes month by month. Below is the evolution.
Design by Sean Clauretie. Creative by Michael Fuller. Photos by Shane O’neil

2009 - 2010Photographer
Shane O'NeilCreative Accomplices
Michael Fuller & Leslie Culler2009
At the time Photoshop was pretty limited. So I was using After Effects to build “3D” stages, and then exporting the composition back to photoshop as a PSD and then adding in the final effects. things like Smoke and particles were also possible in After Effects.
These designs were being printed on 60in 150dpi backlit duratrans around the casino floor, so the size of the “video” compositions were huge. I was rendering single frames of video files that there wasn’t a practical screen large enough to show every pixel. I maxed out After Effects several times trying to make a wall wrap.
Render times were a problem and then Dj lineups would always change last minute as we cut deals to route guys through extra dates around the country in order to get them to come over from Europe.
In 2010, I had to get creative with what remained from the original photoshoot. I had to find a way to use difficult shots, and recolor others to get new life. In the fall i started experimenting with new looks as we needed to better feature the talent as our competitors started to move into the EDM resident DJ game.